
This blog is my place to sort stuff out.

Finding out just recently, I was Dx as a child of being an Aspie, has certainly been an ‘aha moment’ in life. It finally makes some sense!

I have always struggled  – feeling different, misunderstood, not understanding why we are expected to do things I thought were dumb, or why I was numb and went through motions and steps I was trained to do without question.

I carry myself different than most. I’m happy in a world of my own. My world is a parallel universe that is much like the world you know except its just me and sometimes I bring select few with me.

I have lots of awkward moments when people look at me funny or stare at me.

People ask me what’s wrong and I’m confused because nothing is wrong and I don’t know why they would ask me. I’m understanding this is because I make strange expressions or smile, frown, or look confused at the wrong times.

Anyway – I’m an adult and a female Aspie and I’d like to know more about it autism spectrum disorders and the world’s view and how I look at it.


The Boy –

Once I learned of my Dx, Asperger Syndrome (also known as “a touch of autism” or High-Functioning Autistic), it downed on my sons medical team that he was not ADD/ADHD, schizophrenic, ODD (a brat), just being a kid, a child with bad parents… He had a full evaluation, for the first time, after I would not let them label him schizophrenic without it. The results determined he was an atypical autistic child, high functioning, but no one category fit him perfectly instead he was a hybrid of a few and officially labeled PDD-NOS.

This came 13 years after his birth. 10 years after the cries for help.

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