Here are a few of my favorites…


  • The locks and alarms on your doors are similar to those on prison cells.
  • Your child can have the same thing for lunch every day and always enjoy it.
  • You are no longer alarmed by piercing, high pitched screams but only by the sound of broken glass.
  • The definition of a clean house is now, one that doesn’t have an overflowing trash can, dishes in the sink are rinsed, and laundry is at least in the hamper or in the basket.
  • Someone walks into your house and asks if you live in a dangerous neighborhood and you say no… the window locks, gate locks and three types of door locks are to keep my kid in… not bad guys out.
  • You can communicate with your non-verbal child without using words, PECS or sign language.
  • You still have to tie your teenagers shoe laces.
  • You have holes in your walls that were caused by your child’s head during meltdowns.
  • You know your child pooped…you just don’t know where.
And this one is more like me than him – he just has to eat his food in a particular order.
Your child has to sort his fruit loop cereals according to colors before eating them.
This is a partial list from the Facebook page Single Mothers who have Children with Autism.Visit the site to view the complete list!


Enuresis is urinating in places beside the potty. This has frustrated me for years. My son would pee everywhere. I thought we were alone, that we failed as parents. I was embarrassed and discussed of my house. We did our best to clean, clean, clean. But it seemed that it was never good enough. Ahh. I’m still trying to piece all of it together. He has since improved greatly. But our house is far from normal. We just learned that he has a form of Autism. Things have gotten so much better since we learned what the problem was by just making little changes.



Bedwetting: another autistic problem?

My Aspergers Child: Aspergers and Enuresis.

12 & peeing everywhere but in toilet

Bedwetting and Autism

An Older Aspie Mum

Different, but not Less

Welcome to Aspiengirl

by Tania Marshall, M.Sc. (App. Psych.), B.A. (Psych.), Award-winning and Best-Selling Author, Clinical Psychotherapist, and Forensic Consultant & Analyst

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